Senin, 01 November 2010

Career Growth Tips for the 21st Century: A Resource Guide to Career Opportunities. Parts 1

Len Kravitz, Ph.D. and Christine Rockey, M.S. 

Much of the success of fitness professionals in the 21st century will rely on a better understanding of the health needs of target populations and conscientious planning and implementation of appropriate wellness programs. Preparing for the new millennium may entail enhancing your skills and knowledge through training programs, specialty courses or higher education. This article highlights present avenues and career opportunities for health and fitness professionals (HFP). In addition, for each tract a career resource guide is presented which provides professional opportunities, education, current events, training courses, articles, and a plethora of useful information for HFP. All resources linked are listed at the end of the article and can be accessed directly if you CLICK HERE.
Expanding Role of Health Fitness Professionals
The role of HFP is interlaced with assessing, interpreting, prescribing and designing health and physical activity programs for people in numerous settings. Opportunities exist in colleges, universities, community health agencies, club fitness (profit and non-profit), worksites (business and industry), medical settings (hospitals, clinics, and health maintenance organizations), hotels, country clubs, government institutions, and recreational programs. Within the last decade, the HFP has become more involved with enhancing the quality of life for deconditioned, disabled, and older populations.

Evolving Professional Tracts
Four evolving career tracks for HFP are 1) Health and Fitness, 2) Alternative Wellness, 3) Health Rehabilitation, and 4) Specialty Areas. Career paths in each of these areas follow (See Side Bar 1 for Comparative Salaries).
Health and Fitness
The dynamic growth and enthusiastic interest in fitness the last few decades has sparked an expansive evolution of the health and fitness industry. Impacting this increased membership is the dramatic emergence of the 50 yr and older population into commercial fitness centers (Grantham, Patton, York, & Winick, 1998). An increased visibility and knowledge about health and fitness through the media has led to a much more informed consumer. The employment of qualified professionals has significantly improved the credibility of health and fitness delivery systems. The major tracts in this area are the fitness industry, corporate wellness, wellness and personal training.

Fitness Industry (Note: includes resources for careers, internships and resume writing)
Career opportunities in the fitness industry include fitness club owner/manager, fitness director, aerobics director, special programs director, aquatics directors, teachers, exercise physiologists and personal trainers. Additionally, career opportunities in residential spas (defined as facilities that include a fitness and nutrition component) include fitness director, health and fitness instructors, and personal trainers. An emerging field is medical health and fitness programs which serve as an advocate for hospital- and physician-based fitness centers.
For a useful health and fitness resource, each year Club Industry, The Business Magazine for Health and Fitness Facility Management, publishes a magazine edition listing the names and contact numbers of the top 100 fitness clubs and chains in North American. For resources contact:
Club Industry c/o
Primedia Intertec
1300 Virginia Dr. Suite 400
Ft. Washington, PA 19034

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