Senin, 01 November 2010

Employment:BEST PRACTICES. parts 7


Natural supports as originally introduced includes supports to be provided by individuals, such as co-workers and employers, who are not hired by a human services organization. In a customer-
driven approach, these supports include a full range of supports that can be found both at the
employee’s place of business and in the community. They are designed to assist an individual with
jobs employment and community participation. An employment specialist must be prepared and have the
necessary knowledge to develop community and business supports, facilitate informed choice, assist
in assessing preferred choice, provide a variety of individualized supports, coordinate and monitor
all types of assistance and respond to changes over time. The direct service providers of supported
employment should be spending less time actually engaged in delivering a support and more time
engaged in assessing a situation with a customer, sharing information about possible support options,
assisting the customer in accessing the support option, and evaluating the effectiveness of the
         Continuous Quality Improvement. The concept of continuous quality improvement is
known by many different terms and variations to include: Total Quality Control, Total Quality
Improvement, Total Quality, and Managing for Quality. There are striking similarities between these
terms that generally refer to an approach that can be used by a service delivery provider to
constantly reevaluate quality. Continuous quality improvement calls for service providers to focus
their time and energy on improving the process, the product, and the service. The key to continuous
improvement is driven and defined by the customer.
         In a customer-driven approach to sup-ported employment job services, providers must listen to
the wishes and desires of persons with significant disabilities to determine the agency’s mission, goals
and objectives. People with disabilities who are participating in sup-ported employment or who are
actively seeking services should be assisting in developing and evaluating services. In addition,
employment specialists should play an active role in assisting the agency with continuous quality
improvement. Having job coaches, job developers, and customers working together will give the
agency the necessary data to drive the quality improvement.

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