Senin, 01 November 2010


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Jobs Employment, Career Job, Employment Job

Dispersed Group or Cluster Option -- The dispersed group or cluster option of sup-ported
employment job is similar to the other group options, in that the agency provides a full-time supervisor
to provide training to the employees. Yet, the cluster option has several significant differences to
include: 1) all supported employment participants are hired by the business, and 2) wage earnings are
commensurate with co-workers performing the same/similar duties. This model of supported
jobs employment is characterized by the business hiring up to eight individuals, all of whom work in
different positions but in close proximity to the on-site supervisor (Moon, Inge, Wehman, Brooke,
& Barcus, 1990; Nietupski, 1993).
        Entrepreneurial Model -- The entrepreneurial or small business option of supported
employment has changed a great deal in the last few years. For many years, this model was
characterized by manufacturing services design or subcontract operation arrangements, that hired
eight or fewer persons with significant disabilities, as well as employees without disabilities. The most notable of the early entrepreneurial model programs was the benchwork model which involved a
benchwork of small electronic assembly businesses across the country (Boles, Bellamy, Horner, &
Mank, 1985; O’Brian, 1985).
         In the past, the entrepreneurial model was operated with the “system” in control of the
business or sub-contract arrangement. Today the entrepreneurial model of supported employment
looks very different. People with significant disabilities are joining their friends and families and are
owning and operating their own businesses. The success of these small businesses will depend on the
ability to attract customers or, in some cases, contracts.

        It is important to note that in the last several years supported employment has seen a sharp
decline in the number of persons participating in group options and a growth in individual placement
models. This manual will ad-dress the development and implementation of the individual placement
model of competitive employment. However, best practices, strategies, and outcomes that will be
presented will apply to all supported employment options.
        Over the years, supported employment has continued to grow and progress. This progress
has resulted in a new way of doing business. This vision of supported employment is characterized
by a “customer-driven approach” to supported employment. This approach includes several critical
best practices which are described in the following section.

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